• Redirect Just One Page

    Redirect one page of your Strikingly Site to any other page. (This is not a DNS or 301 redirection, it's only in JavaScript.)
    In this example, we'll redirect www.mysite.com/google to https://www.google.com.
    First, create a empty page and set its URL to /google. (You can hide it in the navbar so visitors won't actually find it.) Then, in this code, change the redirectFrom and redirectTo variables as needed. Make sure you include the slash in redirectFrom.
    Paste it into your Strikingly site's Footer Code and it'll perform the redirect!

  • Redirect The Entire Site

    Redirect your entire site to a different URL. (This is not a DNS or 301 redirection, it's only in JavaScript.)
    Just paste this code into Header Code, and change the URL to whatever you want. Make sure you add "http://"!